Here are six ways you can make a difference:
1) You can make your feelings known here in a comment.
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2) You can share this story to everyone you know
Please copy the link below and share it in an email or on social media:
Story page
3) You can befriend our front person Jolly Roger on Facebook:
Jolly Roger
and/or join the No More Poison Supporters Facebook page
No More Poison Supporters
4) You can lend your weight in pressing for progress on this dreadful problem by emailing Tevin Andrews — Minister for Carriacou and Petite Martinique here:
5) If you live on Carriacou you can show your support by buying and displaying a ‘supporter’ sticker:
Supporters page
6) And if you wish you can make a donation:
Disclaimer: Irates of the Caribbean are not associated with Carriacou Animal Hospital and we operate independently. But, we acknowledge their effort caring for poisoned animals often being the only ones to make a difference or save dogs’ lives. If you want to support us stamping out poison we suggest you support them in their effort to deal with the consequences. Donate here:
Note: The operations of IOTC are funded totally by our volunteers.